Tender Notices
NIQ for supply of below mentioned particulars at Balurghat Bhaban under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for shifting of advertisement control room setup
NIQ for Offline Seal Bid / Auction for lease to run Night Shelter at District Hospital including fooding & Lodging and Maintenance of Building under Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ for Offline Seal Bid / Auction for lease to run Canteen at the Ground Floor including Day to Day operation & Maintenance of Balurghat Bhavan at Salt Lake (2nd Call)
NIQ for Plumbing Work at Sahebkachari UTSAB Bhavan, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Renovation and Up gradation of Passenger Shade Phase -II at Chakbhabani, beside Balurghat Police station
NIQ for Renovation and Up gradation of Passenger Shade at Chakbhabani, beside Balurghat Police station
NIQ for "Supply of materials for electrification works at SBI Chief Manager Quarter under Balurghat Municipality", Memo No. 3612/PW(Elec)-3 Dt.21.12.2024
Offline Auction Notice No. 02 of 2024-25 under Balurghat Municipality Memo No. 3598/PW-1 Dt. 16.12.2024
NIQ for upgrading renovating and other works of Emptire-3 and supplying of tyres tubes , Rim Flap etc. of vehicles MTR vide Memo 3434/HS-20 dt. 10.12.2024
NIQ for supply of Office Diary 2025 under Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ for Supplying of 4 no of tyre & Tube with Flap for back wheel Compactor-2 bearing No. WB61A/4435 of Sanitary & Conservancy Section under Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ for The Renovation and upgradation of the 13 nos. of tricycles engaged at SWM head of Sanitary & Conservancy Section under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supplying of 2 Tyres & Tube Sets for NIQ mentioned Compactor-1 under Balurghat Municipality, Memo. No. 3186/HS-20 Dt. 21.11.2024
NIQ for renovating and upgrading works for NIQ mentioned Tractors under Balurghat Municipality, Memo. No. 3187/HS-20 Dt. 21.11.2024
NIQ for Installation of 8 nos. batteries for NIQ mentioned Totos under Balurghat Municipality, Memo. No. 3188/HS-20 Dt. 21.11.2024
NIQ regarding Servicing of JCB bearing No. WB2020TR664413, Memo No. 3148/HS.20 Dt.18.11.2024
NIQ regarding renovating, upgrading and other works of the Compactor bearing No. WB61A/4434 and Tata Ace bearing No. WB61B-5122 3147/HS.20 Dt.18.11.2024
NIQ for supplying of Bed Sheet, Pillow, Pillow Cover, Blanket with cove and Mattress under Balurghat Municipality. Memo No. 3156/G-8 Dt. 18.11.2024
NIQ for Supply and Installation of 32 mm Laminated Ply board door shutter (Size 1.0 m x 1.80 m) at Souhardya Night Shelter inside Balurghat District Hospital
NIQ for Supply of Steel Rack at Mid Day Meal Section at Balurghat Municipality
2455/HS-20 Dt. 24.09.2024 Supplying of Tyres & Tube sets for NIQ mentioned JCB under Balurghat Municipality
2457/HS-20 Dt. 24.09.2024 upgrading and renovating following NIQ mentioned Totos under Balurghat Municipality
2498/HS-20 Dt. 16.09.2024 Supplying and Installation of Cool Water and Water Purifier machine providing cool & normal water bearing capacity 80 (eighty) under Balurghat Municipality
NIT 2442 PW-1 DT 24.09.24 under Balurghat Municipality
NIT regarding civil work like road, drain, constrcution, slab, guard wall etc. vide memo no. 2276/PW-1 dt. 13.09.2024
NIQ for Supply of 150 nos. Rain Coat under Balurghat Municipality Memo No. 2232/HS-20 Dt. 11.09.2024
NIQ for Temporary arrangement of generator (All time & loadsheding only) at immersion ghats for the immersion programme of Goddess Durga Puja from 12.10.2024 to 14.10.2024, memo no. 2228PW/(Elec)-3 Dt. 11.09.2024
NIQ for Temporary lighting arrangement at Control Rooms for Durga Puja from from 09.10.2024 to 13.10.2024, memo no. 2225PW/(Elec)-3 Dt. 11.09.2024
NIQ for Temporary lighting arrangement at immersion ghats for the immersion programme of Goddes Durga from 12.10.2024 to 14.10.2024, memo no. 2225PW/(Elec)-3 Dt. 11.09.2024
NIQ for Supply of Apron and Cap under SWM & Conservancy Programme within Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supplying 1 no. of Steel Almirah for Death & Birth Section under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supply and Installation of Cool Water Purifier Machine under Balurghat Municipality, Memo No. 2026/G-8 Dt. 30.08.2024
NIQ for renovating and upgrading of 13 nos Tricycles engaged at SWM under Balurghat Municipality. Memo No. 1985 Dt. 28.08.2024
NIQ for renovating and upgrading of following works under Balurghat Municipality. Memo No. 1986 Dt. 28.08.2024
NIQ for Supplying and demonstration of 2 nos. of Water Pumping Machine along with the related accessories under Balurghat Municipality, Memo No. 1818/HS-20 Dt.16.08.2024
NIQ for supplying of Tyre Tube sets for compactor memo no. 1542/HS-20 DT. 31.07.2024
NIQ for supply of Shavol with PVC handle Cutting spade and Big size spade memo no. 1541/HS-20 DT. 31.07.2024
Corrigendum against grass cutting machine Memo No. 1354/HS-20 Dt. 16.07.2024
NIQ for Up-grading & Renovating and Others works of the Compactor and the tractor under Balurghat Municipality (2nd Call).
NIQ for supply and installation of batteries for old Toto bearing nos. 14 & 25 under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for renovation & up-gradation of the 13 nos. of tricycles engaged at "SWM" head of Sanitary & Conservancy Section under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supply and demonstration of 02 (Two) nos. of Grass Cutting Machine under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supplying of Disaster Management materials Memo No. 1236/G-61 Dated 08.07.2024
NIQ for the registration numbering of the newly procured vehicles , Memo No. 1202/HS-20 Dated. 05.07.2024
NIQ for Up-grading & Renovating and Others works of the Compactor and the tractor under Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ for Up-grading & Renovating of approximate 43 (Forty three) nos. of Water Tanks & 40 (Forty) nos. of two wheeled dustbin engaged under Balurghat MUnicipality.
NIQ for Upgrading of hydraulic pump and renovating works of Compactor under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for rate towards supply of articles for Balurghat Poura Hospital. MEMO 28/BMUPHC/HDF/24-25 Dt. 25.06.2024
N.I.Q regarding Supply and Installation of CCTV under Balurghat Municipal Campus.
NIQ regarding supply and installation of time attendance system under Balurghat Municipality (2nd Call) Memo No. 781/G-8 Dated. 06.06.2024
Corrigendum , NIQ under Memo No. 459/PW(Elect)- Dt.11.05.2024
NIQ for "Internal Electrification of Taxi Stand Bhaban 1 & Bhaban 2 under Balurghat Municipality"
NIQ for Renovated, Up-graded & remodeled the tank & other parts of Bio-toilet-01 engaged at service of the community under SWM head of Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Renovated, Up-graded & remodeled the Ambulance bearing no. WB-53B-3516 of Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Renovated, Up-graded & remodeled the tank & other parts of Bio-toilet-02 engaged at service of the community under SWM head of Balurghat Municipality
NIQ regarding yearly rate of electrical articles 2024-25 (2nd Call) memo no. 4063/PW(Elect)-3 Dt. 11.03.2024, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supply and instillation of Color Printer cum Xerox Machine under Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ for upgradation remodeling of the Drain Cleaning Machine bearing no.02 engaged at "SWM" head under Sanitary and Conservancy Section under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ regarding yearly rate of Computer Articles for the FY 2024-25 memo no. 3871/G-94 Dt. 01.03.2024, Balurghat Municipality
CORRIGENDUM Memo No. 3829/G-8 Dt.28.02.2024
NIQ regarding yearly rate of Sanitary and Plumbing articles 2024-25
NIQ regarding yearly rate of electrical articles 2024-25 memo no. 3797/PW(Elect)-3 Dt. 27.02.2024, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ regarding supply and installation of time attendance system under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ regarding yearly rate of stationary articles 2024-25 memo no. 3765/G-8 dated 23.02.2024
NIQ regarding yearly rate of printing articles 2024-25 memo no. 3764/G-8 dated 23.02.2024
NIQ for Remodeling and Upgraded the following Totos engaged at SWM under Sanitary and Conservancy Section of Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ for maintenance of Community Toilet and Public Toilet on Pay & Use Basis under Balurghat Municipality
NIT for Construction, Renovation and Upgradation related works, Memo No. 3550/PW-1 Dt. 09.02.2024
Corrigendum "NIQ NO. 3499/G-8 Dated. 06.02.2024"
NIQ for upgrading, remodeling and up-grading the vehicle bolero no. WB62A-2452, under UPHC engaged at Balurghat Poura Hospital and Matrisadan
NIQ for upgrading, remodeling and renovating of mentioned works under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for providing 1(One) Scorpio Vehicle with good condition on monthly hire charges basis in Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ for Up-gradad and renovating gear box & also enhancing both side hydraulic power and following works Memo. NO. 3439 Dt.02.02.2024
Corrigendum NIQ no. 3304/HS.20 Dt.20.01.2024
NIQ for 5th Servicing of JCB machine bearing No. WB-2020 TR 6644B under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for "Networking Work Phase-II" supplying , installation of following works (Balurghat Municipal main building)
NIQ for "Networking Work Phase-I" supplying , installation of following works (Balurghat Municipal main building)
NIQ regarding upgrading remodeling and renovating of Hearse Memo No. 3018/HS-20 dt. 29.12.2023
2975/HS-20 Dt. 23.12.2023 NIQ regarding renovation & remodeling of following works for vehicle no. EMPTIER-03 engaged at Sanitary & Conservancy Section.
2974/HS-20 Dt. 23.12.2023 NIQ regarding repainted up-gradad of 25 nos. of hydraulic trailors engaged at Sanitary & Conserancy Section.
Memo 2721/G-8 Dt. 05.12.2023 NIQ for Supplying of two types of Diary and one type of Table Calendar under Balurghat Municipality.
Corrigendum Notice (Memo No. 2655/PW-1 Dt. 29.11.2023)
NIT (Memo No. 2643/PW-1 Dt.28.11.2023) Construction related works As per enclosed Annexure-I
NIQ regarding registration and insurance of procured 7(seven) no. of vehicles under Balurghat Municipality (Memo No. 2450/HS.20 Dated. 10.11.2023)
NIQ regarding Upgraded and remodeling of hand trolleys enagegd at SWM, under Balurghat Municipality (2451/HS.20 Dated. 10.11.2023)
NIQ for remoddeling and upgrading works of Compactor-02 bearing No. WB61A-4435 under Balurghat Municipality (Memo No. 2304/HS-20, Dt. 03.11.2023)
NIQ regarding supplying of materials for burning purpose at Khidirpur Burning Ghat (2157/PW(Elec)-3 Date.09.10.2023)
NIQ for supplying of 2(Two) Green leaf & bush cutter machine under Balurghat Municipality, Memo. 2124/HS-20 Dt. 06.10.2023
NIQ for Supplying of Chair, Table for UPHC-III, Kundu colony under Balurghat Municipality (2131/G-8 Dt. 06.10.2023)
NIQ regarding supplying 200 fit with 4 inch diameter emptire pipe for emptier no. 04 vide Memo 2112-HS-20 dt. 05.10.2023
NIQ regarding procurment of rain coat and Gumboot vide memo 2100 HS-20 dt. 15.10.2023
NIQ for the work of installation I LOVE ATRAYEE made by Acrylic led board as per NIQ mentioned specification within Balurghat Municipality
NIQ Regarding supplying Tyres and Tubes vide Memo 1944/HS-20 Dated 20.09.2023
NIQ for supply and installation of computer articles under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supplying of Tyre's & tubes of the following vehicles, Trolly,Water Tank & dustbin under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for renovating & enhancing power of hydraulic and the following works of Compactor (WB61A-4434) engaged at Sanitary and Conservancy Section under SWM, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supply and Installation of computer Articles at Balurghat Municipality
NIT 03/BM/PW/2023-24 Memo. 1427/PW-1 Dated. 14.08.2023 as per enclosed list Annexure-1
43/BMUPHC/NUHM/23-24 Dt. 25.07.2023 (2nd Call) NIQ for 10 nos Oxygen Cylinder type (10 litter) as per mentioned specification for Balurghat Municipality
45/BMUPHC/NUHM/23-24 Dt. 25.07.2023 (3rd Call) Supply of 10 (Ten) nos. of stainless steel wheel chair for Balurghat Municipality
44/BMUPHC/NUHM/23-24 Dt. 25.07.2023 (3rd Call) Supply of following articles for Balurghat Poura Hospital and Matrisadan
NIQ regarding renovating remodeling and upgrading of the tractor bearing no WB61- 0463 Memo No. 899/2(9)/HS-20 Dated 24.06.2023
NIQ regarding renovating, remodelling and upgrading of the tractor bearing no. WB-61 0186 Vide Memo no. 890/2(9)H/S-20 Dated 23.06.2023
NIQ (2nd Call) Memo No. 816/HS-20 Dated. 16.06.2023 regarding supplying of Drinking water cooling machine at Techno lndia campus, mangalpur, under Balurghat Municipality.
Corrigendum Notice (Tender Notice no. 2/BM/PW/2023-24)
NIT for Various development works as per Annexure -I, 02/BM/PW/2023-24
NIQ for 10 Nos. of Oxygen Cylinder (Type-B) 10 Liters Capacity with working pressure 150 kgf/cm2 filled & 04 (Four) Oxygen regulator for Balurghat Poura Hospital & Matrisadan under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Repairing and Maintenance of NIQ mentioned generators under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supply of articles for Balurghat Poura Hospital and Matrisadan Memo no. 23/BMUPHC/NUHM/23-24 Dated 31.05.2023
NIQ regarding supplying of Drinking water cooling machine at Techno lndia campus, mangalpur, under Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ regarding supplying Tyres Tubes of the Tractors Memo no. 489/HS-20 Dated 19.05.2023
NIQ regarding remodeling & upgrading the scrapped vehicle bearing no. WB61-4436 Memo no. 517/HS-20 Dt. 23.05.2023
NIQ for remodeling and up gradation of scrapped 12 nos. of Toto, Balurghat Municipality, Memo 499/HS-20 Dt.20.05.2023
NIQ for renovating, remodeling and up gradation of 13 nos. of Toto, Balurghat Municipality, Memo 501/HS-20 Dt.22.05.2023
NIT regarding construction of various developmental schemes 421/PW-1 dated 13.05.2023
NIQ for Supply and Installation of Computer Articles (3rd Call) under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supply and Installation of fire alarm with smoke detector at Balurghat Municipal office
NIQ for supplying of Shavol, Spade cutting Spade along with Bamboo or Wooden Handle - 29/2(19)/HS-20 dt. 05.04.2023
NIQ for Supply and Installation of Computer Articles (2nd Call) under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supply of all kinds of Printing Articles (2nd Call) under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for P.Tax , EPF, GST related works for the financial year 2023-24 (3849/Acct-15(c) Date. 24.03.2023)
NIT (15/BM/PW/2022-23) regarding developmental works under Balurghat Municipality 3807 PW-1 Dt. 21.03.2023
N.I.Q for Supplying of electrical articles for the year 2023-2024 (2nd Call)under Balurghat Municipality
N.I.Q for following tube well fittings and Sanitary & Plumbing Materials under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supply of 10(Ten) no. of Stainless Still Wheel Chair for Balurghat Municipality.
NIQ for Supply and Installation of Computer Articles under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supply of all kinds of Printing Articles under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supply of all kinds of Stationary Articles under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ. for Supplying Tyres & Tubes of the Following No of Tractors, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for 4th Servicing of JCB Machine bearing No. WB-2020 TR 6644 B
NIQ for supplying electrical articles as per enclosed list 3703/PW(Elec.-3) Dt. 13.03.2023
Cancellation notice of this office memo 154/BMUPHC/HDF/22-23 DT. 01.03.2023
NIQ for supplying spray machine with motors along with all accessories 3700 HS-20 dt. 13.03.2023
NIT regarding developmental works under Balurghat Municipality 3628 PW-1 dt. 04.03.2023
NIQ for 10(Ten) nos. of Stainless Steel Wheel Chair for Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Servicing and installation of below mentioned Server Accessories
NIQ for various type of works as per Annexure-I (Memo No. 3500/PW-1 Dt.22.02.2023)
NIQ (2nd Call) Supplying of Computer and Printer, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ regarding supplying of Xerox Machine for Sanitary & Conservancy Section, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ regarding supplying high speed water flow machine with its accessories
NIT for mentioned articles for Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supply and Installation of below mentioned accessories.
Corrigendum "NIQ NO. 3201/G-8 Dated. 20.01.2023"
NIQ for servicing and Installation of below mentioned laptop accessories.
NIQ for supplying & installation of 12V 150A inverter battery 3112/PW(Elec.)-3 dt. 13.01.2023
NIQ for supplying of Computer 3097/HS-20 DT. 11.01.2023
NIT regarding Renovation of Flag Hosting Stand and Widening of existing road- 3075/PW-1 dt. 10.01.2023
NIQ for supply and instillation of 12V, 150A inverter battery, Exide make, (54 months warranty)
NIQ for supply of instruments and kits for UPHC-1 under Balurghat Municipality 101/BMUPHC/NUHM/22-23 dt. 16.12.2022
NIQ for supply and instillation of 2 nos. LED TV (2nd Call), Memo No.2812/PW(Elec)-3 Dated. 16.12.2022
NIQ regarding restoration of different statue of eminent personality with necessary shade 2679 PW-1 28.11.2022
NIQ regarding installation of statue and preparing of Base and decoration for the statue with necessary light arrangement_2678 PW-1 28.11.2022
NIQ for supply and instllation of 2 nos. LED TV Memo no. 2646/PW(Elec)-3 dt. 24.11.2022
NIQ for "Temporary lighting Arrangement at Immersion Ghats for the Immersion Programme of Goddess Durga from05.10.2022 to 07.10.2022"
NIQ for "Temporary lighting Arrangement at Control Rooms for Durga Puja from 01.10.2022 to 05.10.2022 "
NIT for internal electrification of MAA Kitchen at Office Building of Balurghat Municipality
CORRIGENDUM - NIT No. 09/BM/PW/2022-23 Memo No. 1784/PW-1 Dt.31.08.2022
NIQ for providing 1(One) Scorpio Vehicle with good condition under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for various work like camp office platform and mat babmoo baricate tower table with chair and cover sofa dustbin minaral water storage jar control room help desk for ensuring durga puja vide-1796-PW dt.01.09.22
NIQ for supply and dressing of Klin rubbish fine sand shifting of bamboo frame recovery van for ensuring Durga Puja vide memo no. 1795-pw-1 dt.01.09.2022
NIT regarding Construction installation renovation upgradation etc. of Goal Post Drain Protection wall seating arrangements
NIQ for supplying of Tree cutting machine
NIQ for Supply of Computers at Balurghat Municipality (2nd Call)
NIQ for Supply of Computers at Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for suppling of Electrical articles as per enclosed list (2nd Call)
NIQ for 50 Numbers of Hand Compression 16 Ltr. Capacity HDPE Tank 110cm
NIT regarding Repairing and Renovation of Various civil works
NIQ for supplying of electrical articles for Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Repairing of 4 (Four) nos. fountain at Different park and Garden under Balurghat Municipality
NIT of Supply & Installation of Solar mini mast light in the courtyard of Kali Mata temple at Chakbhabani Crematorium"
NIT as per enclosed lists in Annexure-I
NIQ for Maintenance of electrical works at Suresh Ranjan Park & Installation of earthing at Ananya, Subarna, Public Bus Stand, SR Park, Banalata Park * Office Building (Generator)
NIT for Construction and renovation of massonry drain
NIT for developmental work under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for repairing and AMC of 45 nos. AC machine of Balurghat Municipality
NIT as per enclosed lists in Annexure-I
NIT (2nd Call) 02/BM/PW/2022-23
NIQ-2nd Call for supply of Printing Articleas
CORRIGENDUM against memo no. 411/PW(Elec)-3 dt. 23.05.2022
NIQ for Repairing and Annual maintenance of 45 nos. AC machine
Notice Inviting Quotation for following articles
NIQ for supply of all kind of stationary articles
NIQ for supply of all kind of printing articles
Notice Inviting Tender as per Annexure-I
NIQ for Income Tax, P. Tax, GST and others Tax Related Works (2nd Call)
NIQ for Sanitary & Plumbing Materials
CORRIGENDUM against NIQ vide memo no. 48
NIQ for supply of Chair Table Fan Refrigerator etc.
NIQ for installation of CCTV
NIQ for bonafied agency to IT, PT, GST work
NIQ for EOI regarding preparation of Plan and eltimate including in DPR
NIQ for suppling of Computer Articles for the Year 2022-2023 of Balurghat Municipality (2nd Call)
NIT for specified in the lists ANNEXURE-I under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ For Installation Of CCTV Surveillance Of Flood Shelter Cum Multipurpose Building Under Balurghat Municipality
Supply and Installation of below mentioned copier articles
NIT regarding construction of M.Drain RCC Slab and CC road repairing
NIQ for suppling of Computer Articles for the Year 2022-2023 of Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Suppling of 1(One) No. Printer Cum Scanner
NIQ for Supplying of Mentioned Articles
NIQ(SPOT QUOTATION) Supplying of Mentioned Articles
NIQ for mentioned articles
NIQ for mentioned articles
NIQ for mentioned articles
NIQ (Short Term Spot Quotation) for below mentioned articles
NIT regarding repairing of different school building (HS) within Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Immersion Programme of Goddess Durga
NIQ (Spot quotation)
NIQ regarding supply fitting fixing of 9W LED Lamp
NIQ for Supply and installation of Generator.
NIQ for repairing of following works
NIQ for Supply of Mentioned Articles, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supplying of Electrical articles under Balurghat Municipality (2nd Call)
NIQ regarding Supply of all kinds of printing articles
NIQ regarding supply all kinds of Sanitary articles
NIQ for supplying of Electrical articles under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ regarding Tubewell fittings and Sanitary plumbing
Notice Inviting Quotation for the purpose of MAA Canteen & Mid-Day-Meal
CORRIGENDUM NOTICE (Vide No. 307/PW(Elec)-3 dt.10.05.2021)
NIQ for Supplying & Fixing of Steel Letters at Balurghat Gate
NIQ for Income Tax, P. Tax. GST and Others Tax related works
NIQ for supplying and Installation of 12V, 100Ah car battery (2nd Call)
NIQ (2nd Call) for supply and installation of Computer with Printer at General Section
NIQ for supply and installation of 12V 120Ah car battery
NIQ - (2nd Call) for "Remodeling of electrification at UPHC-I & UPHC-II building" under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supply and Installation of 2 sets Computer with Printer at Collection Section, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for stationary articles of Matrisadan
NIQ for medical equipment for Matrisadan
NIQ for Compilation and Finalization of annual accounts etc. under Poura Hisab Accounting Software
NIT for Repairing and renovation of ST Hostel under Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for supply and installation of Computer with Printer
NIQ for Hiring office vehicle
NIQ for remodeling of electrification at UPHCs Building
NIQ for supplying of electrical articles as per enclosed list
NIQ - (2nd Call) for "Compilation and finalization of annual accounts including the work of passing, updating and BRS preparation generated through Poura Hisab Accounting Software for FY 2017-18, 18-19 & 2019-20 inc all taxes.
Notice - Request for Proposal (Ref. No. 1169/G-8 Dt. 28.09.2020)
NIQ for Income Tax, P.Tax & Other Tax related works for 3rd and 4th quarter of the FY 2020-2021
NIQ regarding Temporary Lighting arrangement at Immersion Ghat
Notice - Request for Proposal
NIQ for "Compilation and finalization of annual accounts including the work of passing, updating and BRS preparation generated through Poura Hisab Accounting Software for FY 2017-18, 18-19 & 2019-20 inc all taxes.
NIQ for selection of Rent Collecting Agencies on Commission basis (2nd Call)
NIQ for Supply of 3 nos. diesel pump sets(5HP each) of Branded Company
CORRIGENDUM NOTICE (Vide No. 3067/G-74 dt.27.02.2020)
CORRIGENDUM NOTICE (Vide No. 3046/G-8 dt.25.02.2020)
NIQ for supply all kinds of Printing articles
NIQ for supply all kind of Sanitary articles
NIQ for selection of Rent Collecting Agencies on Commission Basis
NIQ for operation & maintenance of the electric crematorium
NIQ for Sanitary & Plumbing materials.
NIQ for Supply materials.
NIT regarding various developmental work
NIQ for Operation and maintenance of 10 KVA, 3 Phase generator, Balurghat Municipality
Notice Inviting Re-Tender regarding Construction & Renovation Works
NIT for various developmental / Repairing works under Balurghat Municipality
CORRIGENDUM (NIT Memo No. 2262/PW-1 Dt.16.12.2019)
NIT for Dining Hall for MDM, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Construction and renovation works
NIQ for Electrical Maintenance Work
NIQ (Short Term) for supplying & fixing LED chain
NIQ for Temporary arrangement of Camp Office, Bamboo Barricade, Bamboo tower etc at Balurghat Sadar Ghat and other places
NIQ for "Temporary lights arrangements at Immersion Ghat"
NIT (Short term) repairing of roads
N.I.Q for repairing for Pay and Use Toilet at Bus Stand
NIT for construction of CC Road in ward no.5
NIQ for supplying & Installation of Generator 15 KVA
NIQ 2nd Call for supplying and installation of Exide make Battery
Notification (NIT. No.934/PW(Elec)-4 dt.18.07.2019 & this office Memo No. 1079/PW(Elec)-4 dt.01.08.2019 )
Corrigendum (NIT Memo No. 934/PW(Elec.)-4 Dated 01.08.19
NIQ for day to day operation and maintenance of water supply
NIT for Developmental repairing works under Balurghat Municipality
NIT for reinstallation of Steel tubuler pole
NIQ for supply and installation of e-garbage van batteries
NIQ (3rd Call) for operation of the Electric crematorium
Corrigendum (NIT Memo No. 549/HS-20 Dt.17.06.2019)
Corrigendum (NIT Memo No. 618/PW-1 Dated.24.06.2019)
Corrigendum (NIT Memo No.617/PW-1 Dt.24.06.2019)
NIQ for Supply and Refilling of Extinguisher, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ 2nd Call for Operation of electric crematorium
NIT for construction of Dinning Hall
NIT for construction of Kitchen Room
NIT for Construction and Up-gradation Works of community Center for purpose of office Go down
NIQ for Supply of Rice Container for MDM Section, Balurghat Municipality
NIQ for Supply of Electrical Articles for the Financial Year 2019-20
NIQ for Electrical works for the operation of the Electric Crematorium
NIQ for Electrical Maintenance Work (L.T.O.H / H.T.O.H)
NIQ for supply of all kind of Printing articles for the year 2019-20
NIQ for supply of all kind of Stationary articles for the year 2019-20
Notice Inviting Quotation (2nd Call)
NIQ for Supplying and installation of 12V, 100Ah, Exide make battery
NIT for Internal electrification of Community Toilets and Installation of plug socket at Techno stack
NIQ for Operation and maintenance of 10 KVA , 3 Phase generator (2nd Call)
NIQ for Painting Works near Circuit House & Foot Over Bridge near Bus Stand
NIQ for Operation and maintenance of 10 KVA , 3 Phase Generator at S.R.Park